erface\AddOns\TidyPlatesContinued\TidyPlatesCore. erface\AddOns\TidyPlatesContinued\a:1038: erface\AddOns\TidyPlatesContinued\a:1078: ?() Buy Marstrace 7.3Bone China Appetizer Plates, Porcelain Shallow Bowls, Assorted Blue White Ceramic Serving Bowl Set for Pasta Salad Soup. erface\AddOns\TidyPlatesContinued\a:422: erface\AddOns\TidyPlatesContinued\a line 422: When i disable friendly players health bars in TP it looks like that (it doesnt matter if i have enable or disable nameplateShowOnlyNames - effect is same in both case):Īdditionally with this settings ('nameplateShowOnlyNames 1' and disabled players health bars in TP) i have this lua error: When i have enabled friendly nameplates it looks like that (nameplateShowOnlyNames 0): This option is not working well with Tidy Plates. In 7.3 Blizz add an option to hide the friendly nameplate health bar and only show the name: 'nameplateShowOnlyNames'. this is random ss from kui nameplates). My goal was to only display class colored nickname without health bar (something like this: I try to config friendly nameplates (i know that we can't change them in raids/instance) and there are some problems.